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Exam Procedures

Pre-registration is required for all exams. Morrow & Associates coordinates the exam process for this program. The exam process includes two (2) written exams and a physical agility exam. The registration packet allows you to select the agencies in which you want your scores to go to. Once passing scores are obtained, your scores will be sent to each of the selected agencies as indicated in your submitted registration packet. In order to be considered eligible for hire, you must pass all three (3) exams listed below. For passing requirements, please see each exam described below.

What to expect on the exam day:

Candidates will participate in both the written exams and the physical agility in one day, generally during the hours between 7am - 5pm. The exams are generally held over the weekend. Candidates will be required to present photo identification at the time of the written exam AND at the time of the physical agility exam. Candidates without valid identification will not be allowed to enter the exam site.

Once the registration closing date arrives, all registered candidates will receive an exam notice within 7-10 days after the closing date. This exam notice will outline all necessary information regarding the exam process. This includes but is not limited to details on the exam location, the exam schedule, your candidate identification number and other specific instructions.

The following is a summary of the exam procedures, along with passing requirements and score transfer details:


The written exam process will consist of two exams, the TABE exam, and the Police Standards (POST) exam. The overall exam process will include concepts on mathematics (no calculators allowed at the exam), reading comprehension, grammar, and Incident Report Writing. Each exam is a timed exam. Please plan on an estimated four (4) hours in total to complete both exams. Candidates must successfully pass both exams in order to be considered eligible for hire.

A. TABE Exam (Test of Adult Basic Education)

The TABE exam is the entrance exam to the Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Academy in Nebraska. All candidates must take this exam regardless of your interest in Nebraska or Iowa. The premise of this exam is focused on reading and language skills. A study guide is not available for this exam.

Passing Score Requirement(s)- Form 9/10 TABE exam: Successful passing of the 9/10 TABE exam is a combined (average) score of at least 11.0. Form 11/12 TABE exam: Successful passing of 11/12 TABE, the candidate must score at least a 536 on the reading section, and a 547 on the language section. (Effective February 3, 2021)

TRANSFER POLICY - TABE Score - The TABE Scores are determined as pass/fail on the agency score lists. Therefore, candidates who have successfully passed the TABE exam with Morrow & Associates will automatically have their passing scores transferred to all future exams with Morrow & Associates, unless the candidate requests otherwise. Candidates who have successfully passed the TABE exam through any other agency in Nebraska, and requests that scores be transferred to any future exam with Morrow & Associates, must contact the Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Academy in Grand Island, NE. The NLETC must directly provide Morrow with your passing scores. Once processed, these scores will be automatically transferred to all future exams with Morrow.

It is not the responsibility of Morrow's office to forward TABE scores to other agencies. Morrow's office takes all passing scores from the exam and forwards the list to NLETC. If you need proof of your passing score for another agency you must contact the NLETC for this record.

B. POST Exam (Police Standards)

The POST exam is a standardized entrance exam used across the country for entry-police and/or deputy positions. The premise of this exam is focused on math, reading, spelling and language skills at an 11th grade level. A study guide is available for purchase for the POST test only. For more details, click here .

Passing Score Requirement(s)- POST exam: Successful passing of the POST exam is a score of at least 70 percent on each section.

TRANSFER POLICY - POST Score - The transfer of POST scores applies to any exam within 12 months of your original test date*. Candidates who have successfully passed all sections of the POST exam with Morrow may request that their scores be transferred to future exams administered by Morrow, within a 12 month period of the original test date. You must request this transfer by submitting a Score Transfer Form, along with a complete registration packet, prior to the registration closing date. Separate registration fees apply. Score transfer form is required, (see Section III of this page). Morrow does not accept POST scores from agencies outside of the Morrow program.

*NOTE: IOWA Requirements- The State of Iowa DOES NOT accept POST scores originated from Nebraska. You must have selected an Iowa Agency of Interest with your original POST exam for it to apply toward any future exam in Iowa (per Iowa Code requirements). Thus, if you foresee yourself interested in an Iowa agency within the next 12 months, we recommend you automatically select any Iowa agency, if one is included in the participating agency list.

The physical agility exam is held outside and is an obstacle course type exam. An outline of the specific tasks and passing requirements is available online, please pdf form click here . Candidates are encouraged to review this outline in preparation for this exam.

Passing Score Requirement(s)- Physical Agility exam: The physical agility exam is pass/fail. Candidates must complete the course within 2:45 or less (two minutes, forty-five seconds); AND candidates must correctly identify the suspect.

TRANSFER POLICY - Physical Agility - The time from your physical agility expires after 30 days. All candidates must participate in the physical agility for each exam process. There is no transfer available unless an exam is within 30 days.

pdf form Download the Score Transfer Request Form here.

For further information on the Score Transfer policies pdf form Score Transfer Policy Memorandum statement.

IV. Additional Physical Assessments Required at Conditional Job Offer (After the Morrow exam is complete)

Additional Physical Agility Requirements at conditional job offer by an Agency. Once you pass the Morrow exam, Morrow's role in the testing is complete. However, when an agency offers you a conditional job offer, there are additional physical standards that you must attain in order to be accepted into the Training Academy.

So, start preparing NOW.

Nebraska Candidates: Candidates must be able to achieve an average 30% on the Cooper Institute Physical Standards Assessment in order to gain entrance to the Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Center. Some agencies may require passing of this assessment at the time of conditional job offer. For additional minimum requirements from the State of Nebraska, refer to the Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Center website for specific details. You can find information regarding the requirements of the new physical fitness standards at


For further details on the exam procedures, contact Morrow & Associates for more details.

Morrow & Associates reserves the right to change, modify or amend any part of the exam process at any time.


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